Friday, August 6, 2010

one down an infinite amount to go...

I wrote that letter to Lamis. I prayed and meditated on what should be included before I actually penned the words. I didn't want to come off needy or whiny and at the same time I didn't want to sound like an ass. Overall I think it went well. I said what I needed to say and left it at that. I slid it under her door and never asked her about it. The purpose is to get my feelings out in the open without asking them to deal with them. I wanted her to know how I felt. Honestly know what was and is going on in Lauren's head. I don't expect forgiveness or redemption through this but I do expect a chapter to be closing while another one opens. My biggest issue is not working through something in a healthy and productive matter. I pray that by writing these letters I allow myself the opportunity to do just that. I have no idea what tomorrow will bring but I'm am happy with how things have turned out for today.

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